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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Been A Long Week....

I haven't posted since Monday, and there have been some really good topics this week but I have been far too busy...

We finished our baseball season this past Monday night, and we finished out at 11-3. My son saved his best game of the season for the finale - 4 for 4, including a home run, a double, and four RBI. Actually, one of the hits was an error on the first baseman, but at this level we don't count those yet, so it went as a single. So baseball is put to rest until we play fall ball. Next year there will be playoffs, so this is my last short season.

That is my youngest. My oldest graduated from high school this week, and has ended a phase of life and has no clue what the next phase holds for her. She is still reveling in being a high school graduate with a full time summer job, and hasn't yet begun to prepare for college. She has something I didn't at this age, and knows what she wants (at this point anyway) to do in life.

We had a party for her family (step-daughter, most of her family came from hours away) and served a late lunch on the lawn complete with buffet service and music. We are still cleaning up...

Yesterday my youngest started running a fever that continues this other symptoms, just a fever and upset stomach. Hopefully it will pass...

Oh, and this was the last week of school. I don't know how we stay productive in this busy age....

2 Posts From Readers:

rockync said...

Sounds like y'all have got your hands full! It can be rather daunting, but I'll bet you wouldn't trade these times for anything. Seems you are about to enter that phase in life when you'll feel a slight shift -- there are still young children at home, but one is fluttering around the nest, ready to take flight. I remember how scared I was at the thought of my child being on his own. I spent so many years getting him ready of it and then spent many panicked nights weeping quietly while praying, "God, watch over him, but you know, I'm not sure if I've really prepared him. There's so many things I still need to tell him..." I felt like it happened too fast and I ran out of time. I raised my children to be thinking adults who could take care of themselves without me, but when the time came, I had to bite my tongue and keep my hands behind my back so I would not be tempted to put them in a head lock and forbid them from leaving! LOL

Robert said...

I had these things. How do they get registered for accounts?

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