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Thursday, December 07, 2006

I Can't Believe It Has Been Four Days...

...since my last post. This new job is keeping me running at the moment. Long days and short nights of sleep. I will try to do better.

A couple of things today. First, what does it say of America that the Minutemen, vounteers to protect our borders, are not welcome at Columbia University but the Ambassador of Iran is welcomed there? Iran is killing U.S. troops in Iraq and developing nuclear weapons so that they may control an entire region of the world.

I also wonder what has happened to higher education. It used to be a place where people could debate philosophies, and engage in "open mindedness". Of course everyone has their beliefs, but at least we honestly engaged in intellectual exchanges for the sake of the exchange, if nothing else. Now, the notable schools are simply liberal bastions that hate anything that wasn't written by Stalin or Lenin. (Either John or that Russin guy - they love both).

Obama is trailing Hillary in the early polls for democrat president. Not a surprise, Hillry has name recognition and Obama is in his first term in the Senate. Historically, few Senators ever become President compared to the number who try.

The Iraq Study thing - Much ado about nothing. It says that many mistakes in strategy have been made, we must find new tactics, and find new policies. However, the things they recommend doing are simply minute tweaks to what we are already doing. What a waste of money and media time.

Looks like Florida and Ohio State for the national championship. You know that one loss that Florida has? It was to Auburn. Just thought I would mention that....A good day to everyone!+-

7 Posts From Readers:

Obob said...

I like OSU in a big way, could be an ugly thumping.
The ISG is an expensive paperweight.
And the Obama Hillary catfight is going to be fun

Robert said...

It might be ugly for OSU, Obob. I think Florida may make them Gator Meat!

Obob said...

respectfully disagree

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

As an Arkansas fan it chaps my behind that they allowed LSU and Florida to beat them - by USC gettin' beat, it would have opened the door for the Hogs.. Watch out, Gators, next year the SEC Championship is going to Arkansas (and the Heisman to McFadden) - - Oh, and the ISG is a joke. Cairo's head of the Center for Political and Strategic studies said that by following the recommendations of the report America will highly suffer the loss of its reputation and credibility in the region. And don't forget that Ahmadinejad has said straight out that either the U.S. must convert to Islam, or be destroyed. The ISG's release has made Iran more confident and bold and if we pull out we have a big problem - - and we might as well say bye bye to Israel.

Robert said...

It chaps my behind that Arkansas kept us from our destiny....and then of course there was the debacle against Georgia...

At least we have a chance for the SEC to get one again!

Brooke said...

I predict neither Hillary nor Obama make it to the finals...

Obob said...

Mcfadden from Arkansas is stud. Could have a been a top 10 pick as a soph.
Hillary will win the dog race, then get put to pasture like all good greyhounds

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