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Thursday, September 21, 2006

The "Torture" Debate Continues

There is a video posted here, at least it is there today. I was a segment from O'Reilly last night, interviewing the ABC Chief News Correspondent Brian Ross. It seems as if our interrogation methods have broken 14 terrorists, including the big catches.

Even if you don't like it, watch it and get the other side of the debate. That is something we try to do here, unlike other places who seem to be a gathering of like minded folks who are angered when someone enters their realm with a counter opinion.

4 Posts From Readers:

The Future Was Yesterday said...

ABC has all the credibility of Fox News AND Bush, right now. Sorry, but I won't be watching anything from the house organ.

Robert said...

I know when I am stepping into "enemy territory" and am learning that despite the wonderous potential of the internet, too many people, in my opinion, simply seek out others who have the same mindset as they and don't really want to debate or discuss.

Those who visit here, as a general rule, disagree with me most of the timeto some degree. However, I think those of us who discuss here, and those whose blogs I visit, tend to be more objective. I wish we could have debates such as these evrywhere, and then we might get somewhere.

I have my opinions. I don't troll, I don't put them out there without some explanation, and I don't visit just to stir up stuff.

The CIA needs some house cleaning. I agree that we don't need to know many things. However, the CIA seems to release information damaging not jsut to the President, but to the country.

billie said...

perhaps they are spilling the beans in order to save the shreds of democracy that america has left.

Robert said...

Right. Did Clinton tell you that while he was not inhaling? Or was it when he tried so hard to get bin Laden? Maybe it came from the rabbit that attacked Carter....Or, maybe it was in Marilyn's diary, right after the 3some with Robert and John.

I get so confused by the left when they say stupid things...Forgive me.

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