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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Please Visit This New Blog

If you don't click here I will be in big trouble, so help me out. The address is
During my two years here I have mentioned my wife and some of the chaos that happens in our house. She has decided to begin a blog of her own and I would consider it a personal favor if you would drop by and visit.

I am not exactly sure what kind of blog it will be, as "potpourri personality" is as apt a description as one can give her. It won't be political, although if she drop by my place sometimes she will surely rant and rave about something she considers wrong...she isn't conservative, but not really a lib either. She is probably on average as moderate as one can be. It will probably be personal musings, things that draw her attention, and maybe just an online journal...whatever the case may be, it surely won't be boring.

Today is her first post, so drop by today and encourage her efforts. We all know how frustrating it can be to see the big "0 Comments week after week". I thought we could help give her a leg up the first time. You earn brownie points by going by there in the coming days and seeing if it develops into something that you like to read.

Jenn, you surely should drop by and visit. You two have a lot in common, I think. I will point Connie in your direction as well.

6 Posts From Readers:

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Heading there now
Take care Robert..

Anonymous said...

Linkie no workie.

Robert said...

Fixed it Shaw! you can also click the title bar for a link.

Anonymous said...

I'm hopping on over right now........

Anonymous said...

I've popped over to welcome your lovely wife; well, once I figured out what my google account is. Haven't had to use it in so long, I forgot the password! Since I'm also a middle of the road, sort of liberal leaning woman with a conservative husband, I can just imagine the political debates at your house! LOL! I think she's off to a great start.

Robert said...

I would like to be a fly on the wall for the Carville/Matlin debates...I don't see how those two can possibly get along for more than two minutes...

Thanks for visiting everyone. Please drop by again and check it, and for those who are reading this for the first time take a short trip there.

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