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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Because It Works So Well In Other Areas

4 Posts From Readers:

Anonymous said...

Love the cartoon Robert!! For the children...yeah right.

Oh, I just wanted to say thanks for having my back over on my last couple blogs. I get pounded with pain in the butt libs and they are just so dense!

The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Great cartoon. Dems have never seen a socialist program they were not willing to fund on the backs of the tax payers!

Wadical said...

Yep. That 'bout puts it in perspective. Crappy part is, I'm probably more likely to get abducted by aliens than see a Social Security Check. Gimme my money now and let me make my own nest egg. Social Security is a crappy investment of my money. I could do better with a copy of the Wall Street Journal, a blindfold, and a dart!

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Good posting. Keep up the fair fight. And LOL!!!! re: could do better with a copy of the Wall Street Journal, a blindfold, and a dart! Now that gets the point across.

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