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Monday, January 08, 2007

Can You Spare A Few Pesos?

HERE is an interesting story. A pizza chain in Texas has decided to accept pesos for pizza, and some people will be up in arms over this.

I can understand the emotional reaction. Just as we know that liberals believe in incrementalism or slowly eroding the status quo of things until the status quo is no more, this could be an instrument that is similar. It could be another way to make it acceptable for Mexican people and their presence here to be the norm. This isn't an immigration story. My position on immigration, both legal and illegal, remains unchanged.

But, set that aside for a moment, and let us take the thing at face value. The pizza chain says that it has many latino/latina customers, and they often come back from Mexico with Mexican currency. He is just giving them a place to unload this currency with an attractive exchange rate.

It seems like smart business to me. A business wants to outdo its competitors and get a piece of a market that the competitor can't get. What better way than to accept currency that your competitor won't accept? The business will now have a lock on every person who wished to pay for it with pesos. Those customers will remain loyal for some time to come if and when the other pizza chains do the same.

I am for the innovator. I am for the business owner who makes this country work. There are people who say, and you can read their comments on the title link, that this is unacceptable and have heartburn over this. I say it is no different that all of the businesses and countries in the world who accept American dollars because most Americans can't figure out exchange rates or even figure out the amount of a tip in their heads.

I applaud the business for their innovation and willingness to run the gauntlet. If I am ever there, I will also buy a slice with pesos, just for the hell of it.

1 Posts From Readers:

Brooke said...

"But, set that aside for a moment, and let us take the thing at face value. The pizza chain says that it has many latino/latina customers, and they often come back from Mexico with Mexican currency. He is just giving them a place to unload this currency with an attractive exchange rate."

The question that I feel should be asked is this: Why are the hispanic customers offering pesos? Are they tourists, or visiting family WITH a passport?

If so, then more power to this chain.

If the pesos are offered because there is a high population of illegal aliens passing through, this business should be punished as part of the problem, just as employers who hire illegals should be.

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