You Are Among The Elite!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Take This Quiz!

It takes about 30 seconds, doesn't mean anything, but it is cute.

You Are Most Like George W. Bush

So what if you're not exactly popular? You still rule the free world.
And while you may be quite conservative now, you knew how to party back in the day!

9 Posts From Readers:

Ellie said...

I'm most like JFK. "You live a fairy tale life that most people envy. And while you may have a few dark secrets, few people know them."


you're most like gwb. y doesn't that suprise me? :)

Robert said...

LOL...a good stogie is awesome..especially during a poker game!

I don't know what the other options were...I could see Bush, Clinton, and Carter in the answers.

Ellie, I am not surprised you are like JFK...he thought he could make the world nice, too.

Anonymous said...

"You Are Most Like Bill Clinton
No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all."

As if this was some kind of surprise...

Robert said...

Nicho, forgive me if I am not shocked. Does P have a little blue dress? LOL

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't make sense if she did. The question should be: Who do I know that owns a little blue dress?

Robert said...

Ok, you got me :-)

Robert said...

lol...temporary while I inserted some code....certainly not by

Anonymous said...

The last time I took one of your "political tests", it said I was so smack dead in the center that I hung my head in shame and feared the taunts of my republican friends.

So no, I will not take your little "test."

I suspect that you have rigged this test in some sort of fiendish, "Karl Rovian" sort of way so that no matter what answers I give, you will attempt to humiliate me be ensuring that my closest match will be (shudder) Jimmy Carter.

Well, no longer will I co-operate with you in your vast, right wing plot to discredit me through your rigged, Die-Bold style polls. You clearly are running some sort of uber-nationalistic plan to defaud and disenfranchise me, somehow.

There. I said it.

Robert said...

Is this TM, or is it Kitt? LOL

Ok, I confess...the test was passed on to me by Limbaugh, Reagan, and Rove.

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